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Don't argue with me.BigNoodleTitlingRegularJamesArboghast/SentinelType,: BigNoodleTitling: 2003BigNoodleTitlingVersion 1.1; 2003BigNoodleTitlingBig Noodle Titling is a trademark of James Arboghast/Sentinel Type. ::. :.:: :..James Arboghast/Sentinel TypeCopyright (c) James Arboghast/Sentinel Type, 2003. All rights reserved. This font is free and distributable. You may: a) use it free of charge for any personal or commercial purpose, b) email it to anybody, upload it to archive sites & bulletin boards and include it in CD & software collections free of charge provided the documentation is intact. c) make derivative works from it but GET MY PERMISSION FIRST: arboghast@hotmail.com You may not: a) charge money for it, b) make derivative works from it, rename it or claim it as your own work without my permission. Don't argue with me.http://www.myfonts.comarboghast@hotmail.comBigNoodleTitlingRegularBigNoodleTitlingCopyright (c) James Arboghast/Sentinel Type, 2003. All rights reserved. This font is free and distributable. You may: a) use it free of charge for any personal or commercial purpose, b) email it to anybody, upload it to archive sites & bulletin boards and include it in CD & software collections free of charge provided the documentation is intact. c) make derivative works from it but GET MY PERMISSION FIRST: arboghast@hotmail.com You may not: a) charge money for it, b) make derivative works from it, rename it or claim it as your own work without my permission. Don't argue with me.BigNoodleTitlingRegularJamesArboghast/SentinelType,: BigNoodleTitling: 2003BigNoodleTitlingVersion 1.1; 2003BigNoodleTitlingBig Noodle Titling is a trademark of James Arboghast/Sentinel Type. ::. :.:: :..James Arboghast/Sentinel TypeCopyright (c) James Arboghast/Sentinel Type, 2003. All rights reserved. This font is free and distributable. You may: a) use it free of charge for any personal or commercial purpose, b) email it to anybody, upload it to archive sites & bulletin boards and include it in CD & software collections free of charge provided the documentation is intact. c) make derivative works from it but GET MY PERMISSION FIRST: arboghast@hotmail.com You may not: a) charge money for it, b) make derivative works from it, rename it or claim it as your own work without my permission. Don't argue with me.http://www.myfonts.comarboghast@hotmail.comBigNoodleTitlingRegularBigNoodleTitling  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~bH@]}1BSax~~    " & 0 : D !"""" _1AR`x}~    & 0 9 D !""""_>8ߴSw@>:<>>><8<@@kxivlygtmnaopcefqjw&"-w#k(u(w 2X}( -q%u#ol(-/ (-4 r(40x/2~(~-j(-3-/-t(-- t----(o-(z-h#, -n - M^ % 2~(~-j(-3-/-t(-- t----(o-(z-h#, -n - M^ % 3 9?ff@*`(h# (% ??&'h#(% ^ .[( ^ <V(j-, *f-i( 2(2 <(x(~(~(~(~(~(~((j(3-3-3*3- -(((((z!(----^ y--~(~(~(~(~(~((j(3-3-3-3- -((((((----^ y-^ - @,$"$T$/T( -;-&3!!3&Y>-##5 Q jf zz3#3#_ G_ G*33#3##7##7#737#7373337#:DJJJKDeDNOOODeeeΫDDDD#E154+"#5&=3;2=4&/.=4753*)[nEo`+&[ oEn ?++z 1&vLL$'**w 3#yLLxF(C'3##"=4;2#";2=4#"=4;2#";2=4= OO OXO OO OX2KKKKIiKKKKI(k(&=4;2#54+;#+"=4#";25t@s&sZ, !,+t0t+9+&s>{{?@*$4GzzB4** k3# _ G2I#"54;#";.nn.**z{L3x3I3254+32+.nn.**z{L3x3@?7'/'7/RF^2eb73#%%4 ?_/B2"TA%=%%!54>?>=4+"#54;28a ))`s2s jVV]  **JP{{f h#M(+"=3;2=4+532=4+"#54;2KsAs`&+88+ &`s8sqGzz.'**/Q/**IP{{D` %##5#'33#3`7^`7[YQ+(D73;2=4+!#32+"5(`& +(Lss6s'**/zYz-T"54+"732+"54;2;2=4#+&<nnKnnEn*++@4*({yy{{P++4  3#53A|uY4f(W ,&=4;2+"=432=4#;6=4+"tEs;s?FsIs+78+ ++ +nH{{HBzzB4314w4,x4-R"7;2=#"=4;2+"=754+"3+&<ss?ss9s/ ++4*(~~0(++47#5#5fffzzzzz 7#53#5*./k0fww||wzzz 0=%5'750uw?(J5!5!(""RRRR0.(;?5'0.@uP!%754>?>=4+"#54;2#5y E *%(`sRr C fy 3 g,,4<{{ 4 VHzz2!)%34&+!!4632#5##4;254+"13W4p4(L%+"54;2#54+";2=Ls>ss>s`+&&&.zzzzQJ**4**'-[332#'3254+-s[H&+CΊ$hW 4- 33#3#3-~~WWW- ##3# ~`WW(S53#"54;2#54+";5ooBz`)**AWy{}N@44H4-c !##333v``v`F12-33-`2  73253+ ?+`o[W4Cy-j 3#3#53```xdXe2_i-!#33`- 3###3Yj` HJH `j(2T*-T 3#5#3``g``s[2G*(j 3"54;2#'3254+"ts\stC1&+-*z{{'zW***4*-P 32+#32=4+-tsP``=&+8{z[**( )"54;23#4+"3ts\s7+-*+y{{**4*-a 32###32=4+-n9C[?:``?++?{^"t44#E-54+"+"=3;2=4&/.=4;2*)[t;s`+&[ s>*'`tCs$$$$sCt`,*:*;*(#y~;*:{{' +*lytnI"327#737>;#"3#+A2;( ((8Y = Z Z=(6Lc Ny9-TlN9-l"tpz&'DJR 5#5##33Rp_oo_]]\JR733535#35#5##3o_pppp_oo]]]I]]*2#73#*JV7.  1*  ,-+* ,5#3373##'#3874>8*+*8>33o^#Ej&6 ,737'#SjjSh(k t&= Ta&<.3353. 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